Just like making screen saver and other skins, creating a personal website is something, I wanted to try. I have had a site before but it was more of place to store personal photos and a way to keep in touch with my family members all over the world. However, many things on the site are a first for me. My site will include the basics and the usual things you find on websites. As I gather more experience, I will add more unique stuff. I will have a screen saver preview page. As I complete pages, I will upload the screenshot. There are two images per page. One has the header showing the top of the page. The other shows more detail of the page. And as always comments and suggestions are welcome.
Site Link: http://www.geocities.com/desktopmakers/
10 Photos
Dec 22, 2007 8:16 PM
Subscription Benefits
By subscribing to Wincustomize for 1 year and you'll receive:
- Your Own Photo Album
- SkinBrowser
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- Exclusive WinCustomize Features
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- And Much More!
- Plus, you'll be helping support a site that has virtually no advertisements and no pop ups.
2 of 10 Photos
Includes: "It's A Skinner's World" News. and other World News.
The RSS reader is by SpringWidgets.com
The clocks are by Clocklink.com and I will change them often. All pages, except for the Comments page, will include the sidebars that have links within the site and links to skinning community.
Dec 22, 2007 9:05 PM